men’s dull complexion

men's dull complexion

Men’s Dull Complexion

Men’s Dull Complexion is something that needs to be addressed with a targeted plan!  Many men may notice their skin has been looking dull lately but think that all they can do is drink more water and use moisturizers…  While those two things will certainly help… they are only going to go so far.  We recommend coming to our specialists and we will assess your skin situation and put together a great plan to get your skin to a place where your at-home moisturizers and water intake can maintain our results for a long time.  Call us today and let’s get that skin of yours the amazing radiance it once had!

Chemical Peels

We offer 4 types of chemical peels and each one has a slightly different purpose and benefit.  Our chemical peels are a safe and effective way of removing the top layer of dull dead skin cells.  This type of exfoliation of dead skin cells can not be obtained with over the counter products.

$55.00 per person – approximately 25 minutes duration

$120.00 (add European Skin Treatment) per person – approximately 60 minutes duration

View Chemical Peels Details!


Microdermabrasion skin treatments remove dead, flaky skin and stimulate the growth of new, healthy skin cells and collagen. This particular treatment also combats the signs of aging skin, including fine lines, dark and pigmented spots, and acne scars!

$125.00 per person – approximately 70 minutes duration

View Microdermabrasion Details!


In about an hour we reveal your inner youth that was always there. The OxyGeneo treatment is a 3-in-1 that re-hydrates your skin and you should notice a tightening of the pores, shrinking of wrinkles, and a lightening of sunspots and pigmentation.

$165.00 per person – approximately 70 minutes duration.

View Oxygeneo Details!

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