How to Prepare for a Facial if you Have Rosacea: Dos and Don’ts


Here at Spa Escape, we’re committed to helping everyone achieve their skincare goals, regardless of their unique skin conditions. And one of the common questions we get asked is how to best prepare for a facial if the customer has rosacea.

Rosacea – a skin condition characterized by redness, inflammation, and the frequent appearance of facial blood vessels – can present its share of challenges when it comes to life and spa treatments.

That’s why here at Spa Escape, we take extra precautions to ensure a safe and successful experience for everyone. So, if you’re dealing with rosacea, don’t worry – we’ve got you covered. In this article, we’ll outline how you can prepare for and get the most out of your facial treatments with us!

What is Rosacea?

Rosacea is a chronic, inflammatory skin condition that primarily affects the face. It’s often mistaken for acne or other skin conditions due to its red, flushed appearance. While it is most common in fair-skinned people of North-European descent, it can affect people of any skin type or ethnicity.

Typical Symptoms of Rosacea

Rosacea symptoms can vary significantly from person to person, often making it difficult to diagnose. Common signs of rosacea include:

  • Persistent facial redness, similar to blush or sunburn
  • Swollen red bumps or pimples
  • Skin dryness and sensitivity
  • Eye problems such as dryness and irritation

Common Triggers

Understanding your triggers can play a crucial role in managing rosacea. Triggers vary from person to person, but common ones include:

  • Sun exposure
  • Hot drinks or spicy foods
  • Alcohol consumption
  • Stress and anxiety
  • Certain skin care products and cosmetics
  • Physical activity
  • Cold and dry winter air


Rosacea and Facials: What To Know

So, does rosacea mean you can’t get a facial? Not necessarily. It depends on the type of facial you’re getting and your individual skin sensitivity. Many people find that certain facials help improve their rosacea symptoms.

Oftentimes, rosacea is caused by unbalanced skin, and as a result, a facial designed for rosacea is the best thing you can do to help your skin condition.

A good facial for skin that is experiencing rosacea will have a non-abrasive but clinical-level exfoliant, a serum that helps to calm the inflammation and strengthen the capillary and blood vessel walls of the skin, and an intensive soothing and hydrating mask.

If you’re interested in trying a facial with rosacea, here are some tips to keep in mind:

Pre-Facial: Preparation is Key

Communicating With Your Aesthetician About Your Skin Condition

The first step in preparing for a facial when you have rosacea is open communication with your aesthetician about your skin condition. Our trained professionals at Spa Escape can tailor treatments to best suit your skin needs.

Avoiding Rosacea Triggers

In the days leading up to your facial, try to avoid known triggers for your rosacea. This will help your skin be in the best condition possible. It’s also essential to stop using all retinol and alpha-hydroxy acid skin care products a week before your facial.

Preparing Your Skin Just Before the Facial

On the day of your facial, clean your skin gently with a mild, non-abrasive cleanser and avoid using any harsh products. If you do this, you should be ready to begin your facial with a clean, healthy base! A good facial will include a skin analysis as well as cleansing the skin, so it is fine if you are wearing makeup when you arrive for your facial.

Facial Treatment for Rosacea: Dos and Don’ts

The Process of the Facial

A rosacea-friendly facial typically involves gentle cleansing, toning, mild exfoliation, a soothing mask, serum application, and finishing with a moisturizer and SPF. Throughout the facial, your aesthetician will be mindful of your delicate skin, and gentleness is always key.

A skilled aesthetician employs gentle techniques to avoid harm to delicate capillaries and blood vessels and utilizes skincare products that soothe the skin and fortify the easily engorged vascular network, thereby addressing skin redness.

Your aesthetician can provide personalized recommendations on a product line that addresses your specific skin concerns and helps prevent flare-ups. At Spa Escape, we offer a range of products specially formulated for rosacea.

Our Vasco-Toinic Concentrate and Rosa Sea Gel effectively soothe and reduce redness. For gentle cleansing and exfoliation, try our Sensiderm Cleansing Milk and Intensive Exfoliating Gel, tailored for sensitive skin conditions like rosacea.


  • Do communicate openly: Make sure your aesthetician knows about your rosacea and any specific triggers you’ve identified.  Make sure you fully disclose all skin care products you use so that your aesthetician can give you the best facial and skin care help possible.
  • Do schedule a patch test: If you’re trying a new product or treatment, ask for a sample or patch test to see how your skin reacts.
  • Do relax and stay stress-free: Since stress can trigger rosacea, try to relax as much as possible before and during your facial.
  • Do keep your skincare routine simple: Before and after the facial, stick to a simple skincare routine with gentle, soothing ingredients like the ones mentioned above.  Scrubs, home peels, and continuous use of acids are not appropriate skincare ingredients for rosacea.
  • Do apply sun protection: Use a mineral sunscreen daily to protect your sensitive skin from the sun’s harmful rays, which can exacerbate rosacea and weaken the skin’s hydrolipidic barrier.


  • Don’t rush into aggressive treatments: Stay away from harsh procedures or products that could potentially irritate your skin and trigger a rosacea flare-up.  Harsh procedures such as microdermabrasion can create further damage to skin with rosacea.
  • Don’t forget to hydrate: Drink plenty of water before and after your facial to keep your skin hydrated from within.  Use a spa-grade hydrating mask at home to hydrate your skin between your facial treatments.
  • Don’t ignore discomfort: If anything feels uncomfortable during the facial, communicate this immediately to your aesthetician.
  • Don’t skip post-facial care: Make sure to follow your aesthetician’s instructions for post-facial care to soothe, heal and protect your skin.
  • Don’t use a granular (mechanical) exfoliant:  Granular exfoliants create further vascular damage for skin that has rosacea.  Also, be sure not to rub your skin when drying it – only pat dry.

Post-Facial: Aftercare Tips

A good facial will calm down your rosacea, and you can maintain the results with good skincare products at home.

To manage potential flare-ups, avoid triggers, keep your skincare routine non-abrasive and non-aggressive gentle, and hydrate your skin well. This will ensure your skin heals and gets back to equilibrium.

Finally, protect your face from the sun by wearing a mineral SPF, wearing a hat or scarf on sunny or windy days, and avoiding direct sunlight whenever possible. Taking these simple steps can help maintain your facial’s benefits.

Don’t forget – Stay in communication with your aesthetician to adjust your skincare routine and treatments. They have tons of experience and can help you get the best results!

Plan Your Next Facial with Spa Escape!

Regular facials can be a beneficial part of your skincare routine, even if you have rosacea. With proper preparation, a facial tailored to your skin’s needs, and appropriate aftercare, you can help manage your rosacea symptoms and boost your skin’s overall health.  You might even want to check out our IPL treatments, as IPL for vascular issues is excellent at helping to treat rosacea.

So, ready to embark on your skincare journey with us at Spa Escape? Book a consultation with our experienced aestheticians today, and let’s work together towards your skin health goals.

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